Friday, February 15, 2008

Nature Study Plans

We love nature in our home. We all love to be outdoors and we are constantly learning more about this beautiful little world right here in our backyard. But.......I tend to stay indoors way too much. There is always something begging for my attention in doors! My kids add to their nature journals much more frequently than I do. In fact, I'm ashamed to say how many entries my journal contains. My children also take pictures more often than I do of the beauty around us and they even grab the field guides more often than I do.

I'm hoping the challenges posted from The Heart of Harmony will help to break me out of this rut that I am in. I plan to participate in her projects, not as a way of encouraging my children, but as a way to motivate ME! Of course, my children will most certainly be happy to participate ~ they always are delighted to see mom outside!

I've copied off my challenge and plan to post the results my homework sometime this week. I'd love to join in her sketching challenges, also, but at the moment I just enjoy seeing the art that is presented each week.

1 comment:

Gumbo Lily said...

I like this link! I"m saving it to use (yes, even with teens). Sometimes even the older kids bog down and need nature journal ideas.

Thank you!