Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mothering Philosophy

I just wanted to say that this post by Like Merchant Ships matches up with my mothering philosophy very much! I'm no expert but my children seem happy enough, especially when they are dirty!

The guys all enjoyed a very wet, muddy camping trip this past weekend. I'm just now catching up on all the laundry as our well was hit by lightning over the weekend and we were without water for a while. Thankfully, the damaged parts have been replaced and we are in full laundry mode again! I even got my kitchen floor mopped today!

Last weekend it was warm enough for the kids to wade in our creek which was up more than usual because of all the rain. Since our creek is in the middle of the woods, there are vines to swing on and all sorts of other adventures to be found. The kids would come in for some clean, dry clothes and head back out later on. Roasting marshmallows was a great ending to our day!

Recently, there has been a lot of new life around: new plants, baby goats, and day-old chicks. What fun! Spring is here!

1 comment:

Gumbo Lily said...

I've always heard that kids won't grow up healthy unless they've eaten a ton of dirt.

Your kids look like they're enjoyed the kids!
