Tuesday, June 24, 2008

After the Rain

I love the light after a rain. And when it is evening light I enjoy it even more.
There's a certain time each evening as the sun is going down that I am in awe of the beauty
God has given me in my very own yard.

We are blessed to own land. Land that I can walk barefoot on in the morning dew. Land that I can get my hands dirty in. Land that my children can run free on. Land that I can raise animals on. Land that gives me a sense of place in this world.
Land that is my own.
I wanted to capture the beauty of the rain drops hanging from the pine needles.
The rain drops were actually the reason I left my dishes half done and ran with my camera outside. It was as if the moment would be lost if I didn't hurry.
I need to practice taking more pictures. I didn't capture what I was wanting to share!

My front flower/herb bed.
I don't like things in my life too structured.
You can see that judging by my flower beds! The orange flowers above are called Indian Paint Brush and they grow wild around here.
These flowers are always a bustling home to much butterfly action!

My favorite spot, my raised beds.
The fence is a new addition that my men recently added for me.

And the east side of my house. I've always thought this looks almost park like.
Maybe a bench? Tim thought a pond. I think he's just wanting another
excuse to own a tractor. :) Maybe soon.


KathyMarie said...

Very poetic and beautiful! I love moments like that when you just drop everything to admire God's majesty, (and I think He'd be delighted). I so admire your photography and sentiments...Thanks!!

BessieJoy said...

Thank you, Kathee!

Gumbo Lily said...

I'd say you have a sweet, little piece of heaven there! I know what you mean about the evening sunlight and especially after a rain. I especially like that too.

In your park, I vote for a bench. Ponds can be a lot of work. I have a bench my MI-love built us for our anniversary several years ago. She made it of old, gray, rustic 2x4's and I love it.
