Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More quotes and blog links

The purpose of compulsory education is to deprive the common people of their common sense.
--G.K. Chesterton

I found the above quote at Morningside Family. Laura has some great posts and check out the links on her side bars too.

"You are only as wise as your next decision. You prove your wisdom in what you choose today."
--Joshua Harris

And this quote I found at Plain Ol' Vanilla,
who I must say makes some of the most gorgeous quilts I've ever seen. Also, I believe she truly possesses God's wisdom. And so over the years as I've visited with her, I pay close attention to her words, because I view them as words of wisdom.


Plain Ol' Vanilla said...

Miss Bessie...

Oh my goodness! I just popped on over here (during my break from vacuuming :<) ) and I saw my name. Thank you for your kind words. Truly, I just muddle along by God's amazing grace. He is so good...always.
Many blessings to you.

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